Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Howdy! Day 3!

What gives? It's like, when I hear someone's story, I always am hearing in my head "wow, that person is messed up!". It's like noone with a high bottom ever shares. Even the highest bottoms experiance shit I haven't... any how, I am still sober! I have 3 days today! I told my sponsor, and instantly he was like "I don't know what we are going to do with you... I need to call my sponsor." I know he will naturally go straight to worst case scenerio and claim I need to be put up in a half way house for a few months... never mind my super high bottom...

How do you react to that? People seem to think that I need certain measures which I know would work, but simply can't do to my job and responsibilities... I know it sucks, I need to get sober while holding down this job, I need to get sober living my life but giving up enough of it to God that it makes a difference this time. I know I am still holding on to certain things... like being alone, at night, watching TV. I should not be doing that. I need to be out at a meeting or with someone until like... 10:00pm every night.

Does it help to write down a schedule or something? I will call my sponsor anywhooo... we are meeting tonight at 6:00pm. Got tonight covered...
Peace :)