Monday, October 30, 2006

Day number 58!

Day number 58 people!

Well, this morning started in typical Monday morning fashion... me negative and pissed cause my boss asked me to, god forbid, actually do something! Well, turns out that the whole day was extremely busy! That turned into a total blessing! It is now 5:00 pm, and I actually feel like I did something today! Well, I hope that feeling stays, and pray that tomorrow I will do equal amounts of good work. It actually feels good to be busy, you know?

Not much else to report, over the weekend I kinda sorta missed my Sunday meeting, so tonight, I am looking forward to my home group. I saw Laura on Friday night and again last night, I still don't know how I feel about her. She is kinda like that librarian type, very quite, reserved, and maybe even too reserved... which is different, and I am not sure if my ego is too big, if her reservedness turns me off, or if I am actually attracted to her... well, I know I am attracted to her physically, but mentally, I am having trouble connecting, it's almost like we are both quiet types, and not quite clicking. I don't want to write her off, because she is pretty, nice, reserved, smart... everything you look for, but sometimes my ego jumps in and I feel resentments... Hmmm... I am confused.... and rambling, well thats all for now.



  1. Listen to you with 58 days!!
    Be mucho careful about the whole relationship scene. There are BIG reasons that people new in sobriety are warned about that.

  2. I agree with dAAve, be very, very careful about relationships. In otherwords, put the woman down and back away.

  3. Haha! I love that.. "put the woman down and back away." But how do I do that without hurting her feelings and all? Like, do I actually have to talk to her and say "I am not ready for this..."?

    :) I know what must be done

  4. I must've missed something along the way? Who's Laura and how do you know her? (I'm old enough to be your mother, mister, so no back talk!)

  5. You can take my word for it...hell, just read my blog. I've found being in a relationship during recovery is iffy. I'm finding myself wishing I could put all that energy and focus into myself. It's so much harder to do with the distraction.

  6. Designer girl,

    This girl I dated about a year ago, and dissappeared on her to isolate and drink. I called her up to apologize a few weeks ago, and have kinda sorta been taking her out on a few dates. I am starting to think I made a mistake and need to not take this any further. Now I feel bad and guilty for what will look to her like I lead her on. We have not done anything sexual yet... so I am probably just reading into the situation way to much.
