Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Well.... the reason I wanted to get rid of my sponsor is because he does not seem to have a whole bunch of time for me. I don't require much... like meeting with him once a week??? He seems to be more interested in service work and being super busy with TONS of commitments. So should I keep him? He has not returned my call in two days, and we were supposed to meet yesterday, but he never returned my call. Maybe there is an explaination.. whatever, I really don't care too much. I am going to meetings and calling other alcoholics, and reading the big book and 12 and 12.... I will keep trying to hook up with him to do the first step. But seriously, should I get someone who has more time for me or am I being selfish and letting something small bother me??


  1. Well give him a few more trys but, if he does not return your calls as you said, you have to get someone eles. God has your back.

  2. How can he sponsor you if he doesn't have a minute to return a phone call? It sounds as though he may be over-extended already. I'd start looking for someone else, at least to have an idea of someone to approach if he doesn't pan out. (This from a girl who has yet to get a sponsor herself... Better listen to Trudge, rather than me!)

  3. True true! I have a few ideas, I need to talk to a few guys and and get a feel for how willing they are to talk with me on a daily basis.

    Thanks for the advice!

  4. Find out from him why he can't return your calls or meet with you. If he just doesn't have the time, move on and find someone who has what you want.
