Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day 165

Today has been a great day!

This morning, I talked to my boss about what I do here. He basically said that he thinks I should manage my time better. Hmmm... well, I kinda sorta got a good idea of what he expects. So now I can go do my job right? Right, I think.

Bottom line, is that it felt good to tell my boss what I was thinking and how I was feeling. Someone last night said "What's the worst that could happen?" If you ask that question, in almost all of the real world issues that I obsess about, the answer usually is... not much.

Nothing much bad can happen over most, if not everything I worry about. So why worry?

Well, today I am trying to get motivated to do some good work. This morning I was kicking butt, but now, after lunch... starting to wane a bit.

Today i am grateful... for:

My two pretty kitty cats
My Town Home
My car
My bike
My tang so do
My friends
My family
My brother
You guys


  1. Ah, the elusive time managment. Good luck! You are doing great by the way.

  2. Good stuff.
    My therapist tells me to ask myself the same question when my nutty brain begins making things up and then building on those misconceptions. Even in a worst case scenario, what's the worst thing that can happen?

  3. It is funny how our brain can stop us dead in our tracks. It is a pwerful tool. Something that can motivate us to climb mountains and something that can put a hault on everything.

    What is "My tang so do"????

  4. Hang in there. They say it takes a full 3-5 years for the brain to be completely restored.....and I do feel better with each passing year.
