Thursday, March 8, 2007

Day 186! Depressed...

Ok, so I have a roomy moving in soon... so that is good. Um, yea, I still need a job. I am starting to feel a little depressed and anxious about it now... as I have really been putting my resume out there, as nobody calls me, or I get no response... yea, that sucks. Or, I get an idea like "Oh, I would be perfect for that!" and then it doesn't pan out... or whatever. Yea, I know, I haven't been searching for more than a week, and these things take time.

Bottom line: fear, insecurities, doubt, self loathing...

I don't like those feelings!

So, I shall pray about it, and call some other alcoholics.

I think I am starting to understand why we have those phone numbers!!!

Today I am grateful for:

My family
My friends
My job
My kitty cats
My savings!!!
My life
My sobriety


  1. time takes time Jonathan

    you have savings?!?! you have time!

  2. PATIENCE!!!
    In GODS time. NOT yours!
    Are you trying to 'run the show' by any chance?

    Have a nice weekend Jonathan!

  3. Hang in there, sweetie! My hubby's in the same boat, which is why he keeps going to school. The right job for YOU will come along. Just be patient, do all you can do (as you are), then turn it over to your HP and refuse to worry and obsess about it. That's all any of us can do.

