Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Shitty days

Ok, Fuck It. I am writing this thing to document what I am going through so I might as well tell you about the shitty feeling days. Last night my mom stayed over at my place so that I could take her to the airport early in the morning. For the most part, it was a good evening, except one thing. I was doing my "shitty stinking feeling" all night. I was just negative and depressed. I played a bit of zelda, with not much enthusiasm, then watched tv and what not, and even felt kinda anxious. I jumped in the pool, which was refreshing, then I started thinking about closing on the condo, and no knowing where I am going to move to and all that shit, and it is just too much right now!! Ya know? I have to freaking worry about looking at new places, karate, AA, sobriety, and all this shit!! Agh, the movers! Moving and the move date???! I really want to close this Friday, because I have the movers all set up. If that happens, then I can rent whatever place I choose to buy until the closing. This is of course, my plan, not God's plan. But is God going to make a move in/move out plan for me? Don't think so. I need some major prayerage, and an AA meeting. Today, I am going to go to subway, and try to enjoy my lunch for a change.

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan,

    Hang in there. Sometimes it feels like life gets worse in early sobriety. But trust me, it gets better, if you stay close to the program!

    Prayers are being said...

    Brad :-)
