Thursday, November 8, 2007

Page 40 - A New Pair of Glasses

Found another qoute I think is relavent to my sobriety. (I hope I am not breaking any copyright laws by posting this stuff!!)

From Page 40 in "A New Pair of Glasses" by Chuck C.

"But how do I know whether it's my will or His will? And that's a good question, and I have the simplest answer in the world for that, for me: If it's important to me personally, it's my will. If it is important to me personally, it is an ego satisfaction. If I am praying alright it is not something for me. It's that I might be of some value to you."

You know, it seems often in my sobriety I find myself asking this question... how do I know if what I am doing is God's will or my own? Generally, if I even have to ask this question, I probably already know the answer, usually it's my will because I think when I ask this I am doing something or going in a direction and want to know if it is ok... if this is my purpose. But I ask God for selfish reasons... therefor asking him for direction is actually the selfish act!

Mostly, it has to do with work or school... asking "Hey God, is this what you want me to do, or should I try something else out, go a different direction?" That statement in itself is selfish, and self seeking. As I am asking God wether this is job is ok for ME or if this class is right for ME. I I I I what is best for ME? If the question isn't "hey, what can I do for others that you would have me do?" then I am just living in my own self will.

So yea, hope that makes ome sorta sense. The point is that I am trying more and more to get out of my own will, and do the next right thing. This means not asking for what is best for me, but what is best for others and what I can do to pack more good into the stream of life.



  1. I could relate to this post Jonathan

    I am happy to see you back here posting.
    I am happy to see you well, sober and being of use to God


  2. Hey man, thanks for the post. Chuck C. is a favorite of mine. Like you, I need to keep it simple - and get rid of this "I like, I don't like. I want, I don't want. I I I I I" attitude.
