Thursday, November 15, 2007

Enjoy these new experiences!

Thanks for that, Daave... That statement makes so much sense to me today.

I have been running around with family, doing what they generally want to do. It has not been my way or my plan most of the time. I am merely a servent in this case, taking my Dad around, or my cousin today.

I am happy to do so, at one point in my life, this would have been a major stress on me and my drinking ways! I would have been anxious the whole time, and drunk for sure in the evenings after the family stuff.

Today I am grateful!



  1. I know what you mean.
    I would have done all that family stuff back in the day, BUT ...
    it would all have caused some major resentments because of the time it took away from my active drinking.

  2. You speak my language. Letting go and just being the passenger only is a big step for some of us. Allowing ourselves to be of service to others is huge! Glad you are embracing the rewards of this all due to program.
