Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New groups!

I am so grateful for this program!

Lately I found my self going to the same meetings every day... not once changing it up. My sponsor thinks I should be out there looking for new comers to help out and possibly sponsor, so he suggested I start going to some new comer meetings! (Most of the meetings I was going to do not have high volumes of new comers coming in)

At first I was in fear and stuborn, but then I realized that I wasn't stepping out of my comfort zone by going to the same ol' meetings every week. At that point, I suddenly became the one who wanted to seek out these new meetings! My sponsor pointed out a character defect, which I my self could not see... but with the help of others I now see it and very much want to take some action!

So yea, that's AA working in my life today!



  1. I believe that things happen when they happen - for a reason. We don't "get it all" all at once.
    Seems that you're doing just fine.

  2. Life is a journey, not a destination, and a God of our understanding puts people, places, and things in our life when He feels we are ready. It looks like your ready, and getting active on your journey.

    Blessings & Love,

  3. Its the newcomers who keep me busy, keep it green for me and help me get outside of myself.

    You sure have something they don't have yet! Be that example...

  4. Its the newcomers who keep me busy, keep it green for me and help me get outside of myself.

    You sure have something they don't have yet! Be that example...
