Any how, I am seven days sober today! Yesterday was a challenge. After work it was raining, very hard, and rained non stop the entire night! On my way home from the meeting, I made a mistake, and guestimated the depth of a "tiny" puddle... errr... should I say: tiny lake, and drove through this standing water. Luckily, my care did not stall. But man, the water came up to my freaking headlights at one point, and that got my heart thumping! There were like 3 stalled cars in this little puddle. What an idiot i am! I was so impatient to get home, I risked royally f*cking up my lexus. Well, I finally got through it, and made one of those "Thank you God I will never do that again!" prayers.
Let's go back to earlier that day. I got off work at 5:00pm, ate subway, and then went home. I usually like to get on the bicycle and ride for 12 miles or so but I saw the rain coming, so I did not. Instead, I went to subway, got some food, ate, then went home. It started raining hard, lightning was messing up everything electrical, and I just kinda sat there in a daze... not really accomplishing much. I don't think it's a good idea for me to try to read or watch TV at this time of the day. It's like when I am idle, my thinking goes south immediately... unless it's like 9:00pm - 10pm and I am just getting ready for bed time. I went to a meeting at 7:00. Helped out, went to the grocery store. Still felt weird, so I called two people, who did not answer, but I left 'em messages, and felt better, then I drove through the big ass lake near my house.
Now, where was I going with all this... no idea. I probably should have called someone to meet me before the meeting. That would have been the right thing to do if I was going to have any idle time. Note to self. Don't isolate!!!
But I feel like I did the right thing later on. I did not feel like calling anyone, but simply did for practice. Gosh, I really hope I can do this thing! One day at a time...
Sure you can do it. Rarely have we seen a person fail ...