Monday, January 29, 2007

Day 148

Well today is a good day. Friday I was losing it, and today I thought I was again too... I called my sponsor last night and made a commitment to call him every day, as I have been neglecting that aspect of my sobriety. I will also call him whenever I get into these shitty moments!

Any how, today, I still hate my job!! And funny thing, a prospect job popped up, and I spent 3 hours thinking about wether or not to send them my resume... it's like when it comes down to it, I am scared to make any changes...

Oh well, I have to be off, as 5:00 nears, and I have coffee commitment tonight!

Enjoy the light of the day!!!!


  1. Calling your sponsor is excellent. He/she knows you well and would give an objective opinion on your job situation.
    You can also ask your HP for guidance.
    You don't have to do all this by yourself. Unless you want to, of course.

  2. Calling your sponsor everyday is awesome.
