Thursday, October 12, 2006

Day Numero 40

This is a long rant about mostly shit made up in my mind... just had to rant for a few minutes about stuff I know is not in my control....

My insane,codependent mother is driving me a little nuts this morning. She called to get reassurance that what she was doing was the right thing. Naturally I said I couldn't really tell her what to do but that I thought it was great that she was going through with it.

Then she says "oh I got to go"

5 minutes later... "that was 'so and so' (his name has been edited out), and he called to tell me how big a mistake I made, how everything was my fault and how I am missing out on the GRANDEST life of all" then she says "there is no business man as great as'so and so'!"!!!! I was like: "You hold one f-ing second, don't you ever give me that line of self depreciating bull shit. He is a f-ing ass hole and can go straight to hell. He is a f-ing loser, a shitty business man, and a f-cking ass hole! Don't f-ing pick up the god damn phone when he calls. He is a manipulitive little rat, and you buy into all of his controlling, narcistic, bull shit. He hates you, and he hurts you emotionally and is also robbing you blind."

Any whoooo, I think I said something along that line of thought, but I think it was toned down a bit. I was basically pissed cause she called all mopey and shit and then had the nerve to tell me He was a virtual God in her mind, even though they are getting divorced, he is a cheat, an asshole, and treats her lilke dirt. What fucking bull shit. I am soooooo not picking up the phone again today!

I did end the conversation nice, and said something along the lines of "you know what to do... do what makes you happy, talk to your attorney, life is good. BE GRATEFUL for everything good in life for christ's sake...." jesus aged fucking christ!

Co-dependent bull shit.

I am soooo happy I am sober today and not working for those crazy people any more.