Friday, October 20, 2006

Day number 48

Howdy ladies and felllas,

Today is day number 48! I am doing pretty well today, I actually had a little bit of an appifinity yesterday before bed. I realized that there is no reason for me to be all depressed at work any more. I realized that I just automattically go to worst case scenerios in my head with any responsibility I am given. I also realized that none of the projects I have under my control are really that big of a deal, and that most of them are just fine and actually on time. I stress out about the small stuff, and then I resent everyone and everything for it.

Anyhow, huge light bulb went off, and today I got loads of work done, and I was happy doing it!


Today I am gratefull for:

That dog I have to watch tonight and tomorrow
My mom
My brother and his girlly friend
My cats, who are probably freaked out by the dog staying with us
That i have a coffee commitment tonight!
Thank GOD I have that coffee commitment!
I can't wait to get to a meeting
That I am sober
That I am sober
That I am going to the beach on Sunday
That I am still sober


  1. You didn't ask your cats for permission to keep the dogs?
    Uh oh!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. I hear the growth in your posts.
