Thursday, December 14, 2006

Heya, day number 103

I'd like to share about something I am going to be going through tomorrow, and it's kinda blowing my entire day, and maybe even the weekend....

I have to get my wisdom teeth ripped out tomorrow. Generally, I am not really worried about the pain and blood... but I am a little worried about having my weekend suck and also getting knocked out with an anaesthetic. I have never been "put to sleep" before, and I have no clue as to what to expect. I have been told by most people it is not a big deal, you go sleepy and wake up and it's cool... so why worry? Just nervous I guess.

The doctor says I should be sleeping all day tomorrow after my surgery, I am not looking forward to being a lazy ass on Friday and Saturday. I also don't want to feel bad about waking up and feeling "messed up" like I heard one girl share in a meeting once. She woke up from an operation and busted out crying because she felt like she relapsed.I can see where guilt can creep in and blow the whole thing way out of proportion... waking up and feeling groggy or what not, but I think if your spiritually fit, that shouldn't bother you. So thankfully, I am glad to be spiritually right up there today!

I do know that I have plenty of friends to check up on me, and numbers to call if my thinking gets out of whack.

But anyhow, that's what's going on in my life tomorrow.

Today I am grateful:

That my insurance covers ALL of my operation
That I am sober going into this
That it's sooo not a big deal
That I can finally get that damn tooth out that has worried me since I found out about it 10 years ago
My family
My mom
My brother and sister
My job, which I am totally procrastinating on today
My sobriety
Oh yes, and my two little kitty cats ;)


  1. You'll be fine BECAUSE you are spiritually fit.


  2. Thanks Daave, I am still scared though! Maybe I will do a before pic, first thing in the morning, and an after pic when my mom brings me home! Could be fun!

  3. Ahhh FEAR, blahhh. You are gonna walk thru this fear and during it some growth will happen. Once all the dust settles you will see what is meant to be seen by your HP.

    From fear we can grow strong. See you this weekend.

  4. Your insurance covers the anesthesia, too? That's great. Mine didn't, 25 years ago when I had mine done. All I got was novacaine, and let me tell you, it's very disconcerting to be awake while they're doing that, even if you're not feeling any actual pain.
