Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pink Eye

Seriously, the day care thing is killing me.  Both my wife and I work and we have no family in the area, so we have to take our kid to day care. Well half the time he seems to catch something at the daycare and then they send him home.

So not only do we spend half our time at home, not working... we pay for the full month of the day care.

I don't like this arrangement one bit.

Plus they throw a fit when he is just mildly sick.  I struggle to not roll my eyes at them when I pick him up.  Yea ok, pink eye... oh whats that?  Its going around your entire daycare?  Good, congrats, you're the problem.  Let all the kids get it and be over it... seriously, not a big deal.

Ok, end rant.

On another note my kid is being super cute and smiling at the doggies... awe.  Makes it worth it I suppose.  Work sucks anyway no?

I'd love to work for myself and not "the man".


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