Sunday, October 18, 2015

Finally, nice weather

It's Funny how nice weather can really turn Your attitude around. I Was in a bad mood last week, and now I'm super happy. Granted, it could just be that I am no longer working nights.  Regardless, i am looking Forward to doing some Serious yard work in the cooler weather.

On the other hand I am super excited to return to the land of the living and never in my life will I work nights again... good riddens!


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pink Eye

Seriously, the day care thing is killing me.  Both my wife and I work and we have no family in the area, so we have to take our kid to day care. Well half the time he seems to catch something at the daycare and then they send him home.

So not only do we spend half our time at home, not working... we pay for the full month of the day care.

I don't like this arrangement one bit.

Plus they throw a fit when he is just mildly sick.  I struggle to not roll my eyes at them when I pick him up.  Yea ok, pink eye... oh whats that?  Its going around your entire daycare?  Good, congrats, you're the problem.  Let all the kids get it and be over it... seriously, not a big deal.

Ok, end rant.

On another note my kid is being super cute and smiling at the doggies... awe.  Makes it worth it I suppose.  Work sucks anyway no?

I'd love to work for myself and not "the man".


Sunday, October 11, 2015

You can't handle the truth

Wow, every time I see this movie I think to myself, hey you've already seen it... Boring.

Then I start watching it, and damn what a good movie!!

Can't get over it, just love the story and the acting.

Today I am grateful...

For stuff...

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Damn dogs

I have no idea how, but my dog is an acrobat.

She can jump over a fence that is 5 feet tall.  I thought I made it high enough that she'd not be able to get over it.

So she climbed under it.

I then blocked the bottom so she couldn't get under it.

So she figured out how to climb the fence.

That's right.  She climbed the freaking fence, skillfully using a bush next to it as a foot stool.

I'm headed back to home depot.  Time to get more wood, and a saw to cut down that bush.

Today I am grateful...

For my dogs, for keeping me on my toes, and successfully getting me out of the house!


Monday, October 5, 2015

Suicide is legal in California

Just found out today that suicide is now legal in California and a doctor may prescribe life ending drugs in patients who have less than 6 months to live, as long as they are essentially not insane.

Wow, slippery slope there.  Could you imagine being a doctor and doing that?  That would be so hard emotionally, I don't know if I could do it personally.

Where I was going with this though, I think suicide should be legal... and this is somewhat sarcastic, but imagine if suicide were legal.  All of the people that show up in the ER claiming they are suicidal when in fact they are not, would now have to change their story.

"I'm sorry sir, suicide is legal... what would you like me to do about that?  Admit you?  No can do, but I can help you with that suicide if you want!"

OMG we would have homeless crack heads running from the hospital instead of running to it.



But come do my job for a day or two and you will see what I mean.


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Grass is Greener

Why do I always feel the grass is greener over there?

I mean, at this point in my life, could the grass not be any greener in the spot I am standing now?

I am an M.D. for God's sake.  I mean, how cool is that?  Who the hell wouldn't want to be a doctor?

I've got tons to be thankful for... which I won't list off, but I do, I know I do.

I think I've pretty much decided that I am a pessimist.  That's the problem.  I'm always looking at the down side of things instead of the up.  Always the worse stuff instead of the cool stuff.

I need to figure out how to change my outlook on life to being more positive.

Hmmm... I suppose I just need to keep on trucking.

There was a time in my life when I knew some seriously true happiness.  I was unemployed, out of school, out of work, and single.  Those were some seriously serene days.  Not that I wan't to be single or unemployed again!

Just saying.  It's all about perspective and stuff.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Trump on Syria

I was just thinking about this...

Wait, so the Russians are willing to get involved in the messy business of the middle east?

This is absolutely brilliant.

Let them.  That's right.  Pull out of the middle east completely.  Just do it.  Why are we even there?  To protect out Allies in Saudi Arabia?

Screw that I say.

We should protect Israel, that's it... it is literally the only democratic government in the region.  Ok, simple enough.  Plus Russia seems willing to play nice with the Israelis.

Furthermore... if we leave, the russians will then get the brunt of all the blame that the US has had in the last 20 years messing around in the middle east.

What, oil prices may rise?  Possible, but not a big deal.  If anything, that helps us as our crude costs a lot to extract.  Oil prices stay low?  Awesome, the Russians suffer as do all the middle eastern thugs.

The point is... there is no real good reason to be in the middle east.

It just seems stupid to waste our resources on this area.

Ugh.  Just disappointed with the world.  What a mess.