Monday, September 22, 2008

Testing the email feature

Just want to test this email thing... appearently you can post to your blog by sending an email.  Cool! 

Nothing really new atm, I am at school and need to work on my physics lab which is due on thursday... not to mention the bio lab quiz, the organic lab quiz, the organic lab report, the organic lecture quiz on Wednesday, the organic lecture quize on Friday, the Organic chapter outline due on Friday and last but not least I would like to make it to a meeting tonight!

Awesome, I love meetings!  I get to practice with boundaries tonight, my friend Mike is flying in and needs a place to stay.  I told him I was not available to be a taxi, since this night and the next two I am slammed with work.  I bet he will assume that I will drive his ass up to Brookesville... which will not happen.  I can't wait to say no! 

Hmmm, not much else to report.  Just like doing my thing, Still tired of all the drama in AA, but trying my best to stay out of it.  I think I will have to adjust who I hang out with after and before meetings... perhaps it's back to hanging out with Sandy B. and all the older guys? 


Today I am grateful for all this lovely school work!

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